Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011

Sapi Angus

Sapi aberdeen Angus berkulit hitam pekat sehingga namanya mudah diingat dengan sebutan sapi Angus (Angus=hangus, gosong).Berasal dari suatu daerah dataran tinggi Abardeen Shire dan Aungushire di Skotlandia. Kemudian popular dengan sebutan Aberdeen Angus.Sapi ini tidak bertanduk dan berpunuk. Penampilannya pendek, bulat, lincah aktif bergerak. Bobot sapi betina dewasa mencapai 550-750 kg, sedangkan yang jantan mencapai 800-1.000 kg.Bangsa sapi ini banyak digunakan pada crossbreeding dan grading up untuk menghasilkan sapi potong yang baik. Jika sesame bangsa sapi angus dikawinkan dengan seperempat dari keturunannya, warna tubuhnya akan berubah menjadi merah dan tidak bertanduk (red angus).Sifat sapi Aberdeen Angus adalah Dominan. Sehingga sapi angus banyak dimanfaatkan untuk menghasilkan keturunan yang tidak bertanduk. Bentuk tubuh panjang dan kompak. Sifat keibuannya tinggi dan tidak ada kesulitan saat beranak. Masa pubertas dicapai dalam umur relative dini. Mempunyai kemampuan dalam menurunkan marbling (perlemakan dalam daging) ke anak-anaknya.Dagingnya padat dan halus sehingga banyak disukai konsumen.sapi jenis ini yang didatangkan ke Indonesia berasal dari Selandia Baru dan masuk Indonesia tahun 1974
Angus are solid black cattle, although white may appear on the udder. They are resistant to harsh weather, undemanding, adaptable, good natured, mature extremely early and have a high carcass yield with nicely marbled meat. Angus are renowned as a carcass breed. They are used widely in crossbreeding to improve carcass quality and milking ability. Angus females calve easily and have good calf rearing ability. They are also used as a genetic dehorner as the polled gene is passed on as a dominant characteristic.
The breed arose in north-east Scotland in the counties of Aberdeen and Angus. Excavations have revealed that polled cattle existed there in prehistoric times. Deliberate breeding began at the end of the eighteenth century. The breed was first formally recognized in 1835 with the first herd book published in 1862. The first animals were exported to the USA and other countries in 1878.  
The American Aberdeen-Angus Breeders' Association (name shortened in 1950s to American Angus Association) was founded in Chicago, Illinois, on November 21 1883, with 60 members. The growth of the Association has paralleled the success of the Angus breed in America.
In the first century of operation, more than 10 million head were recorded. The American Angus Association records more cattle each year than any other beef breed association, making it the largest beef breed registry association in the world.

Angus Hybrids
ANGUS HYBRIDS are black polled composite cattle based primarily on the genetics of American Angus blended with enough Continental Breed genetics to add lean red meat performance to the widely acknowledged Angus carcass quality and maternal characteristics. Angus hybrids have demonstrated the ability to pass on hybrid vigor performance to a wide range of cattle breeds including pure bred Angus cattle.
Angus hybrids have been developed in a number of different combinations using different continental carcass breed genetics to achieve the desired carcass performance. True Angus hybrids are at least 5/8 American Angus and often have as much as 3/4 Angus blood. Data collected over the past 10 years has suggested superior carcass performance can be expected without sacrifice of the normal Angus genetic traits. Most Angus hybrids have the performance data available and some strains have demonstrated a high instance of tenderness and marbling gene markers.

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