The Ongoles
There is no clear picture of the various stages that went into
the making of this breed of cattle. Carvings of the Nandhi bull, which
adorn Hindu Sivaite temples in India, bear a true resemblance to the
Ongole (Figure 3). From this it can be seen that the characteristics of
this breed were fairly fixed even at the beginning of recorded history.
The Ongoles are very fine and majestic-looking cattle, huge in
size, extremely docile and suitable for steady, heavy draught. Their
performance has been admirable under varying conditions and they are one
of the most unique triple-purpose cattle of the tropics, serving well
as draught, milk and meat animals. By virtue of their adaptability
traits and superior productive capacity under harsh tropical conditions,
they have been very much sought after and beneficial in tropical cattle
production (Ready, 1925; Murari, 1956; FAO, 1953).
1. Geographical distribution of various indigenous cattle
breeds in India and of Ongole cattle in the world - Répartition
géographique de différentes races de bovine en Inde et des bovine Ongolé
dans le monde - Distribución geográfica de diversas razas de vacunos
indígenas en la India y de los vacunos Ongole en el mundo
1.1 International distribution of Ongole cattle
1.2 Indian cattle breeds
2. An Ongole bull - Taureau Ongolé - Toro Ongole
3. A
third century Nandhi bull - note the alertness and similarity of the
Ongole bull to the Nandhi - Taureau Nandhi du troisième siècle. Noter la
vivacité et la ressemblance entre le taureau Nandhi et l'Ongolé - Toro
Nandhi del siglo III d.C. Obsérvese la posición de alerta y la semejanza
entre el toro Ongole y el Nandhi
The best Ongoles in India have been bred in those parts where
there has been no assured irrigation or commercial crops, leaving cattle
raising as the only profitable proposition since, under these
conditions, the dependence on crops or cultivation has not been
economically viable. Instead, the Ongoles have brought income through
the sale of young bull calves and ghee (clarified butter) made from
their milk.
Breed description
"From their docility, the nose string is seldom used. They are
noble and handsome looking animals, but there is a tendency in the breed
to grow tall and leggy with a spare light carcass. Their powers of
draught are great, and when well bred they draw much heavier loads than
most other breeds, from 1 500 to 2 000 pounds on a fair road. They are
chiefly used for draught in carts and with the plough, their-weight and
size being against their use as pack bullocks generally.
"The cows, as has been said, are excellent milkers, some of them
have been known to yield 18 quarts of good rich milk in 24 hours (a
quart being equivalent to 24 ounces), and they rear a calf at the same
time. The influence of this breed extends north as far as the Krishna
"The price of a first class cow is about 200 rupees, as much as
300 rupees have been paid for a prize cow. Bulls have been imported into
other districts at 300 and 350 rupees each."
A point to observe is the price of a quality cow and bull; both
are almost equally priced. This shows how economically important the
Ongole cow was (Figures 4 and 5).
The Brahmini bull
Any account of the early development of the Ongole cattle would
be incomplete without mentioning the institution of the Brahmini bull in
the Ongole breeding area. There is no doubt that this practice made the
breed what it is, prior to the organized efforts of the various
departments of colonial India.
A committee of leading cattle breeders was formed to assist in
the selection of this bull. The selection process was very rigid: the
committee paid special attention to each of the qualities that they
thought a good stud bull should possess and searched far and wide for
such a superior bull. The young bull finally selected was branded at the
funeral ceremony and then set free. It became the sire of the village
herd and was allowed to enter any crop field. If it entered a farmstead,
the farmer had no alternative but to feed it until it left.
This custom had a socio-religious as well as an economic
function, as is the case with most Hindu customs, clearly showing the
community sense for livestock improvement that already existed in
villages from very early times.
The recent history of Ongole cattle development in India may be
divided into four periods: 1858-1932,1932-1958, 1958-1980 and 1981
The Ongole cattle development that took place prior to this
period mainly resulted from the beneficial effect of the Brahmini bull
system, which had been practiced in the Ongole breeding area for
generations. The local farmers' dependence on these cattle made them pay
more attention to their breeding.
Because of the breed's economic importance to the farmers of the
region, the Nellore District Collector started the Ongole Cattle Show in
1858 to encourage the breeding of good-quality Ongoles in the breeding
zone. This event was conducted annually until 1871, with the 12 shows
serving to inculcate a competitive spirit in the Ongole cattle breeders.
The great pride that the prizewinning cattle brought to their breeders
as well as to the village boosted the quality of the Ongole breed and of
the sires and dams used in villages of the area. The shows were a great
encouragement for small and big breeders alike to produce better stock.
In addition to these shows, in 1867 the government laid down a
principle that, out of its uncultivated land, each village should
reserve for common grazing an area equivalent to 30 percent of its land
under cultivation, thereby providing additional pastureland for the
4. Characteristics of the breed - Caractéristiques de la race - Características de la raza
Masculine features - Caractères mâles - Rasgos masculinos
Feminine features - Caractères femelles - Rasgos femeninos
Size, frame, correct feet and legs - Taille, ossature, aplombs - Tamaño, configuración, pies y patas correctos
Longevity: cows, 20 years and more - Longévité (20 ans et plus) - Longevidad: en las vacas, 20 años o más
Uniformity and predictability - Uniformité et répétabilité
- Uniformidad y predecibilidad
5. Selection of the Ongoles over a century - Un siècle de sélection de l'Ongolé - Selección de la raza Ongole durante un siglo
Ongole bull of 1880 - Taureau Ongolé, 1880 - Toro Ongole de 1880
Ongole bull of 1909 - Taureau Ongolé, 1909 - Toro Ongole de 1909
Ongole bull of 1992 - Taureau Ongolé, 1992 - Toro Ongole de 1992
Because of the lack of an assured irrigation source, the local
farmers took to Ongole cattle breeding as a source of income, selling
young bull calves and ghee while raising rain-fed crops such as sorghum,
millet and legumes as their food crops. Residues of these crops also
served as supplement feed for the cattle.
Then came crops such as chilli and tobacco, which did not need
irrigation but were produced using the residual soil moisture after the
rainy season. Consequently, hitherto uncultivated pastureland that was
used to raise Ongole cattle herds started being planted with these two
crops. This had a twofold affect on Ongole breeding: the crops
encroached on the pastureland that sustained the Ongole herds while
their residues were unsuitable to be fed to livestock, thus putting
enormous pressure on the Ongole herds in the breeding tract.
With this change in the cropping pattern, the channels of trade
from the villages in the area to the cities improved rapidly. With
Ongoles being the only breed of cattle in southern India with dairy
potential, and with the higher price that milk fetched in the cities,
cows and heifers in calf started being sold to the city dairies, never
to return to the area again. In this way, the high-producing cows of the
breed, instead of being multiplied as was done when they were milked in
their original tract for the production of ghee, were regularly removed
from the breeding area. This was a great strain on the Ongole milch
To help improve the Ongoles in the breeding tract, a key village
scheme was launched by the state government at two places in the main
Ongole breeding zone in 1952 and at two more places in 1956. In the area
covered by this scheme, all scrub bulls were castrated and Ongole
cattle development was taken up using artificial insemination (AI) in
order to use the good sires extensively. To provide an additional boost
to the breeding operation, bulls were stationed at several centres under
various schemes such as the Premium Scheme, District Board Scheme and
Free Bull Distribution Scheme.
With the expansion of the key village scheme in the State of
Andhra Pradesh in 195 8, the use of AI increased rapidly and, as
district liquid semen banks were established, the bulls stationed at the
villages under the various schemes were withdrawn.
By the year 1963/64, India received a number of aid programmes
for livestock development from various countries that were advanced in
livestock farming. These aid programmes brought not only technology but
also the particular Bos taurus breeds that were native to the donor countries. With the stationing of the Bos taurus
sires at the district liquid semen banks, there began the large-scale,
indiscriminate introduction of their blood into the valuable pure-bred
herds of Ongole stock.
At the height of this cross-breeding craze, not even the
Department of Animal Husbandry's Ongole herds, which had been selected
for more than half a century for better milk yield a reduced
intercalving period and early maturity, were spared. This was the
greatest harm that could have been done to the valuable Ongole cattle
Two other great blows to the Ongoles during this period came with
the Land Ceiling Acts. These acts restricted the size of the
landholding of farmers and removed the exemption allowed for pastureland
until then. To add to this, the land set apart for community grazing
was distributed to the weaker economic sections for housing and
cultivation. Thus, the breeding of Ongole cattle in their homeland was
subject to very severe stress.
In addition to these constraints and pressures that the Ongoles
face in their homeland, another great obstacle is that many of the
remaining good Ongole sires from villages of the breeding area are being
bought by Latin Americans and taken away from the breeding area, while
their semen is frozen and unofficially shipped out to Latin America.
These sires will never return to the area again (Figure 6). This
operation has tightened the noose around the neck of the Ongoles by
obstructing their development in their homeland.
1981 onwards
In spite of the onslaught on the Ongole cattle on various fronts
in their homeland, there are still a considerable number of farmers in
the breeding area who hold the Ongoles very close to heart, spending a
lot of money in buying and maintaining the best available Ongoles and
taking great pride in showing them.
For the first time after almost half a century, the Ongole Cattle
Show was revived in March 1981. Coinciding with this show, a seminar
was held to discuss the reasons for the sad state of the Ongoles in
their homeland while they predominated in numbers and performance and
spread like wildfire in the tropics of the Americas. An important
outcome of this 1981 meeting was the formation and registration of the
Indian Ongole Cattle Breeders' Association.
With the formation of the association, there was a forum to take
up the cause of the Ongoles with the various governments and
governmental agencies. The outcome of this crusade has been the Ongole
Cattle Germplasm Scheme (Figure 7), which was started in 1986 and has
its headquarters at Lam Farm in Guntur, and the setting up of four
Ongole herds comprising 250 breedable cows each.
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