Bangsa sapi ini berasal dari Inggris. Sapi shorthorn merupakan jenis
sapi dwi guna karena menghasilkan daging dan produksi susunya
tinggi.Tubuh dari shorthorn berwarna merah bata sampai putih atau dawuk
merah (roan). Bangsa sapi ini ada yang bertanduk dan tidak bertanduk
(polled shorthorn).Ciri cirinya adalahKepalanya pendek dan
lebarTanduknya pendek mengarah ke samping dan ujungnya mengarah ke
depanLehernya pendek dan besarBidang dada samping dan dada rataBahunya
lebar, berdaging tebal dan kuat, rusuknya melengkung lebarGaris
punggungnya lurus dan sampai pangkal ekor, pinggang lebarTubuhnya besar,
badan samping rataarnanya merah tua sampai putihTingkat kesuburannya
tinggi dengan sifat keindukan yang bagus. Tempramennya baik dan memiliki
tingkat pertumbuhan yang cepat. Sapi shorthorn sanggup beradaptasi
dengan lingkungan yang berbeda-beda.Sapi jenis ini sering kali
disilangkan dengan jenis sapi brahman dan hereford.
Shorthorn originated Tees River Valley in the northeastern part of
England in the counties of Northumberland, Durham, York and Lincoln.
They were brought to America in 1783 and were popular with America's
early settlers. The American Shorthorn Herd Book was published in 1846
and was the first registry for any breed in the US. Over 30 other
breeds of cattle show traces of Shorthorn in their parentage, including
Santa Gertrudis, Angus and Milking Shorthorns.
Although color ranges from red to roan to white, roan (a mixture of red and white) and red are the predominant colors. They are a medium size breed with a truly rectangular shape with a short, broad head and wide set eyes. And, you guessed it, they have short horns. Shorthorns are known for their early maturity, adaptability, mothering ability, reproductive performance, hardiness, good disposition, feed conversion, and longevity. In the feedlot, these cattle attain 1,000 to 1,200 pound weights at an early age and have no trouble producing carcasses that grade Choice
Although color ranges from red to roan to white, roan (a mixture of red and white) and red are the predominant colors. They are a medium size breed with a truly rectangular shape with a short, broad head and wide set eyes. And, you guessed it, they have short horns. Shorthorns are known for their early maturity, adaptability, mothering ability, reproductive performance, hardiness, good disposition, feed conversion, and longevity. In the feedlot, these cattle attain 1,000 to 1,200 pound weights at an early age and have no trouble producing carcasses that grade Choice
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