Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

introduction of feed quality control

Feed is important in a farm business activities, even feed occupies the largest portion of production costs of a farm business. Forage quality will certainly result in livestock and livestock product quality. Evaluation of feed material becomes important to ensure the quality of the feed material. Physical or organoleptic evaluation is the first step of the evaluation stage of the feed. Organoleptic test focuses on the physical appearance that can be distinguished by using senses such as texture, color, smell and taste.
Chemical feed evaluation techniques generally use a method called prediction analysis to predict proximate nutrient content of a feed material. If a feed material has a value lower or higher than the standards that have been determined then need to be aware of fraud occurring. Another evaluation is a biological evaluation, this evaluation shows how big these feedstuffs can be utilized directly by livestock.
Nutrient composition of a feed material largely determines the quality of the feed material. It is strongly associated with how the material can be used by livestock to produce. Quality feed ingredients that will surely have high economic value. Prices are too high often the complaints of the farmers especially the farmers of the people. This condition is aggravated by the low absorption of livestock products. To overcome these problems came the idea to seek new sources of feed ingredients based on potential local products.
Development of conventional feed material is constrained in the availability and continuity of the feed material. Another thing to consider in the use of conventional feed ingredients are anti-nutritional substances that cause the user can not replace or substitute the use of non-conventional feed ingredients. Another problem is the high cost of processing for conventional feed ingredients are to be used optimally.
To ensure the quality of feed that circulate in the community need to be made ​​a standard that could become a reference standard if there is a discrepancy of quality of feed ingredients used. Standards can be regionally, nationally and internationally. Standards are made ​​in a regional scale set forth in the form of Regional Regulation (Perda) which regulates the flow of trade and commerce of a material feed system. Standards were created to protect the potential of local feed ingredients from excessive exploitation.
Standard with the national scale in Indonesia published by a body independent of the National Standardization Agency (BSN) which is poured in the form of Indonesian National Standard or SNI. The main purpose for publishing the SNI guarantee the outstanding quality of feed material related to food security that became the base of food security. Standards on an international scale published by an independent body such as Codex. Important things are arranged in almost the same international standards as set out in ISO and even some international standards adopted by the National Standards Body.

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